My Present Hi, I’m Ramone. I’m the IT Manager at Northrop & Johnson. Presently, every day is a learning experience – less physical hardware, more digital & security learning. In my role at N&J, I find new ways to combat hacks or breaches and improve the digital structure of our offices around the world. Our work in tech is always growing and I enjoy finding new ways to assist onboarding employees and clients. Truly though, working with other people is my favorite part. I always learn more through interacting with other people and their experiences, which helps me provide the best tech services possible.
My Past I was born in Jamaica but eventually came to America. Originally, tech fascinated me because it seemed to present new innovative solutions to the physical health struggles of my loved ones, especially my mom’s. This initial interest grew into an impassioned pursuit. I received a scholarship to Devry and continued my focus on people and technology, working as a systems administrator and eventually branching off into the private sector. I moved to Florida in 2017 working with our Director of Technology & Intelligence, Keith Perfect, at a different company. After providing services to N&J as a contractor, Keith approached me about working in-house with N&J, and I’ve happily been here ever since.
My Future My goal is to one day have Keith be able to do less and take on a more super managerial role, rather than having to focus on the ins and outs of the day-to-day processes. Ideally, we will expand our tech team and have IT on the ground in Europe to alleviate the weight placed on their teams and our own. I’m always looking to learn more, so that’s definitely going to be a part of my future.
My Outside-Office Life You’ll find me speeding past you at any given moment, very quickly. If you wave at me, I apologize, but I won’t wave back, as I’ll have both hands on the wheel of my Ford Mustang GT.
Motto "Losses are not bad. Not learning the lesson of why you lost is."