My Present I have been a yacht broker with Northrop & Johnson for about twenty-eight years. I thoroughly enjoy this business. I continue to learn each day and many of my clients have become lifelong friends. My clients’ loyalty may be attributed to my professionalism, my knowledge of yachts and their systems or it may be because I’m a pleasure to work with.
My Past Yacht brokerage was a natural fit. I’ve worked on and around boats from my first paying job onward. I was raised in the boatbuilding town of Bristol, RI. Sailing was our primary family sport, along with skiing. My brothers and I were competitive and raced on a wide variety of one-designs. The family cruising boat was a comfortable 34’ (10.36m) Maine-built, wooden yawl with a healthy appetite for maintenance.
Prior to yacht brokerage, I worked for a few boatbuilders. I began carrying buckets of fiberglass resin and practiced most of the trades, including plumbing and electrical. I’ve also worked as a sail-maker, rigger and eventually in boatyard management. I have taught sailing and delivered boats up and down the East Coast. After college, I also worked as a psychiatric aide in a state-run asylum, a nice adjunct to yacht brokerage.
My Motto “Time spent on the water is never time wasted.”
My Outside-office Life In an effort to give back, I have served as a board member and, later, as President of the Yacht Brokers Association of America (YBAA). I’m currently Chairman of the Professional Standards and Ethics Committee.
With leisure time, I will find any way to mess with a boat or play any sport that will have me.
Fast facts I will likely work at Northrop and Johnson until they suggest otherwise I was a nationally ranked-Nordic skier in college. I inherited the grammarian gene from my mother and may silently correct you.